The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...' --Isaac Asimov
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Public Outreach Contributions

NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition: Mapping the Uncharted Diversity of Arctic Marine Microbes

NOAA Ocean Exploration Lesson Plans: Mapping the Uncharted Diversity of Arctic Marine Microbes

Sea Ice Field Course Blog, including articles and photos by Eric

The Art of Coring. 2013, Barrow, Alaska. photo by Eric

Omnis Cellula issue 17. 2008, Barcelona, Catalonia. article and photos by Eric (translated to Catalan by Bernat Pujadas)

Dispatch from the Arctic. 2007, aboard the CCGS Amundsen. article by Eric

UW School of Oceanography Undergraduate Magazine DEPTH, articles and photos by Eric

UW College of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences Magazine EXPLORE. 2008, Seattle, Washington. photos by Eric

UW College of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences EXPLORE Magazine. 2007, Seattle, Washinton. photos by Eric

Proceedings from the University of Washington School of Oceanography Undergraduate Senior Thesis Research Expedition to Glacier Bay Alaska, March 2008“, edited by Eric and others