The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...' --Isaac Asimov
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Poster Presentations

Collins RE (2012) hima: a meta-database of genomes, metagenomes, and phenotypes from low temperature environments. Poster A0381, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA. [1Mb PDF]

Fuchsman CA, Brazelton WJ, Collins RE, Horner-Devine MC, Rocap G (2007) Vertical descent or lateral transfer? Unravelling the large number of whole-genome reciprocal BLAST hits between anaerobic, thermophilic Bacteria and Archaea. Poster, American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Toronto, Canada. [11Mb PDF]

Collins RE and JW Deming (2007) Lateral gene transfer in Arctic sea ice? Poster, Polar Marine Science Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California. [2Mb PDF]

Collins RE, Carpenter S, Deming JW (2005) Microbial communities at very low temperatures in natural saline ice formations. Poster, NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. [7Mb JPEG]

Collins RE and JW Deming (2005) Microbial abundance and community structure in the winter sea ice of Franklin Bay, NWT. Poster, International CASES Workshop, Winnipeg, Canada. [1Mb PDF]

Miller L, Owens O, Papakyriakou T, Sutherland N, Collins RE, Mucci A, Deming JW (2005) A time series of the carbon budget in first-year sea ice. Poster, International CASES Workshop, Winnipeg, Canada.

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